About unsigned_algorithms
A Question
unsigned_algorithms started as a question: "Why would anyone buy a link to a JPG?" The solution was to make something that was more than a link, or reference, but rather intrinsically was something in and of itself"
The Collection
unsigned_algorithms is a work that explores the boundary between cultural creation and technology. It starts with its genesis piece: 00000 - a piece with no properties itself, but holding the code which generates the output of the other 31,118 pieces. Every other piece in the collection contains a set of "properties" (digital DNA) which when passed to the code in the 00000 produces a color field.
Each NFT contains not just a link to an image, but a reference to the actual code that generates its unique color field. If a typical NFT is like the deed to a house, then each piece in this work is more like the blueprint to a house.
The Artist
unsigned_algorithms is the work of Alexander Watanabe, formally trained as an architect, self-taught programmer and failed writer.